Sunday, April 21, 2013

Learn it or Love it

Online discussion Post should stimulate the learner, make the learner have questions on the subject. As an Instructor you should make your learner comfortable in the distance learning environment. A Distance learning professor should motivate and make the student comfortable with their subject knowledge. Often I have come across Instructors whom are not good at interpersonal communication in distance learning. A Distance learning professor should motivate and make the student comfortable with their subject knowledge.


Horton (2006) States the Activities should be meaningful and should not confuse the learner. Some suggestions to online Instructors would be. Always have a question at the end for your students.  Asking questions that generate engagement.  It should push the learner to think and engages the learner.  DO not approach each interaction as a professor, explore the learners development in learning by various interactions, not just the regurgitation of the data provided in the course. Have the student compare and contrast their peers work, ask for details in the dialogue.  The goal is to push the students learning to the max.

I am asking you as a Instructor, what are the 5 things you would make to use in the future. List them and provide a supporting sentence how you will implement them into your classroom or course. The information can be informal, just has to have support. Example - I plan on providing various learning methods by either starting or ending a posting with a question? Horton, W. (2006). E-learning by design. (pp. 463-471). San Fransisco, CA: Pfeiffer. Retrieved from Share this:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Plagiarism Detection and Prevention

Plagiarism Detection and Prevention

Information here is my view of Plagiarism Detection and Prevention

I think that as long as you site your source then you are perfectly fine and it is not plagiarism.In the real world you do not have to worry about plagiarism, its just in the educational world, everyone borrows information and normally citing is the issue where people are considered plagering work.for this posting I refuse to cite my sources that I got from What is Plagiarism? Types of Plagiarism Glossary Prevention Check for Plagiarism What is Plagiarism? Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work or borrowing someone else's original ideas. But terms like "copying" and "borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offense: According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own to use (another's production) without crediting the source to commit literary theft to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.

©2013 • Lawrance A. Holton II

this is my experience of Plagiarism Detection and Prevention

We all have done it at some point, I actually was almost kicked out of school for submitting a paper I had previously written. So I was in trouble for stealing my own words, in the real world you look foolish for quoting yourself

©2013 • Lawrance A. Holton II

What plagiarism detection software is available to online instructors?

Plagerism Checker
Turnit In
Why is borrowing someone elses work wrong?


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 5 Assignment

Week 5

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Approached with the questions about impact, usability, functionality appeal and consideration of implementing technology of Learning. I am a Computer geek so technology usage in the classroom is highly supported here. The technology used in classroom has to have appeal because to hold your learners attention. The days of Chalk boards and SRA were replaced with smart-boards and X Box 360. Now the beauty in this beast you have to be able to used the divide to function in your learning environment. You have to implement this in the learning not so the students not just learn your methods but to what you are instructing as well. In this post i selected the iPad because it technically sexy. It commands attention from the world and is a perfect example of everything needed in education technology.


What impact does multimedia and technology have on education? Todays learner is ADD, so you have to be able to hold ones attention and the fact that there is multiple styles of learning you really have to be able to maintain the students attention.

What is the most important thing when implementing technology. I would say make make sure it meets the standards, and it appeals to your learner.



Boettcher, J.V., & Conrad, R. (2010). The online teaching survival guide: Simple and practical pedagogical tips. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Conrad, R., & Donaldson, J. (2004). Engaging the online learner: Activities and resources for creative instruction. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.sure it makes a impact in learning as well as meets the objective.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Week 3

Lawrance A. Holton II Week 3

Significance of knowing the technology

Today and tomorrow are nothing but the evolution of yesterdays technology. Technology has made our lives easy. We are able to use more time of our days because technology makes our activities easier and completes them faster. In our distance learning its the basic building block by allowing use to interact with one another. We use computers that are obsolete but it allows us to be less behind the curve of technology. Technology makes multi tasking easier...

©2013 • Lawrance A. Holton II

essential to communicate clear expectations

Professors need to provide simple and clear instructions

so that you minimize the possible issues that can occur in a distance learning environment. As a educator you have to know your learner, not all learners adapt to the distance learning situation easy and complex instructions cn cause a distance learner to become distracted adn detatched from the Instructor. Your goal as a Instructor is to be effective, so to help the students understand you and the instruction , understand the student and overcome the communcation and learning barriers in your course or class

Communication is the key and clear communication is beyond important.

This week we are covering ice breakers and ways to make the learner comfortable in the distance learning environment. If you read my post you read where I say create a icebreaker question which is simple but also a follow up question to provide supporting detail to the response.


©2013 • Lawrance A. Holton II

considerations should the instructor

Each studnet is different, each learner comes from a different world, and is from various experiences. My first education course was a bust and I felt lost from the beginning, My teacher failed because she assumed that like several of my classmates had bachelors in the field of education that I was familiar with pedagogy and eduction theory. I actually have a background in technology and informatics and was clueless on what was going on in the course. What really disapointed me was we completed icebreaker questions and I do not feel they were used in my personal instruction. Overall it was useful to me because as a Instuctor I know see where she was flawed and refuse to fail as she did

©2013 • Lawrance A. Holton II

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Online learning

In Education you have facilitators and learners, Knowing your role is very important. Most students have to have those boundaries set to set a tone or a mood. Essentials are defined roles between the student and the presenter to eliminate confusion. This starts with clear and direct communication from the Facilitator being teacher, instructor, Professor or what ever title you utilize.The course is only as easy as the knowledge you have and as good as the communication between the Facilitator and the learner. So yes you have an abundance of knowledge but can you present it to me, and can I convey it. The Facilitator should be accessible, in my experience professors who could not be reached made the situation challenging. Communities can be sustained through having people but you need clear direct communication and accessibility to one another. Social presence is needed for the course can be successful, meaning we are here even without the physical presence but we can interact via the set vehicles of communication. The online learning communities significantly impact both student learning learning because it creates a dynamic where the facilitator and the learner are equal participates.(Dr. Renata Palloff). Once again essentials are defined roles between the student and the presenter to eliminate confusion. One would say hook your student communicate with them, you retain them due to good communication and setting the tone. Video: "Evaluating Distance Learning Theory" (approximate length: 12 minutes). Dr. Saba discusses the importance of evaluating online learning theory and provides a rubric for determining which theories are best for building teaching strategies. Video: "Online Learning Communities" (approximate length: 44 minutes). Dr. Rena Palloff and Dr. Keith Pratt define "Online Learning Communities" and highlight the benefits of creating a learning community for facilitators of online learning experiences. Garcis, H. (2010). Getting successful as a distance learner. Retrieved May 25, 2011 from Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2009). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education (4th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson. Moore, M. (1991). Distance Education Theory. The American Journal of Distance Education, 5(3). Retrieved April 19, 2009, from